Lightning monitoring and early warning system to prevent lightning events. There are a lot of lightning weather in summer, we know from childhood that lightning weather is very dangerous in the outdoors, it will not only cause harm to the human body, when people suffer lightning strikes, the current quickly passes through the human body, the heavy can lead to heartbeat, respiratory arrest, brain tissue oxygen and death, but also cause great damage to trees and buildings, and in the oil depot and other environments is more dangerous. So we're monitoring the lightning.
The WX-LD1 lightning monitoring and early warning system monitors the trend of the change of the electric field intensity of the window cloud on the ground in real time. When the intensity of the electromagnetic field reaches a certain value, the early warning device will send an alarm signal, indicating that lightning will occur. With high reliability and practicality, the probability of being struck by lightning is very small, is one in 13,500, but its power still can not be underestimated, if not prevented, serious will endanger human life and property safety, so the installation of lightning monitoring and early warning system is still very necessary.
In oil depots, chemical industry bases and other areas, lightning monitoring and early warning system based on the principle of charge induction to monitor the meteorological environmental data of the base presented to people, such inspectors, more is alert, beware of lax management, when the staff see the environment eye-catching numbers in the psychological will first prevent the occurrence of accidents.

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